(610) 789-2486

What to Expect
on Sundays

What is the Sunday Morning schedule?
     09:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Sunday School classes
     10:00 a.m. - 10:25 a.m. Fellowship (Coffee, Snacks)
     10:25 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Announcements in the Sanctuary
     10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Worship

When is the worship service?
The Bethany Church family gathers every Sunday morning for a 75 minute service of worship at 10:30 A.M. We typically share announcements about 5 minutes prior to the start of worship.

Where are you located?
5 N Concord Ave, Havertown, PA 19083     (click here for directions)

Where can I park?
Our main parking lot is directly off of Ormond Ave. We also have a ADA accessible lot off of Concord Ave.

Where do I enter the church building?
Our main entrance is beneath the tower. You can access this from the Ormond parking lot or ADA accessible lot. Come on up the stairs or use the ramp.

Where do I go when I enter the church building?
When you enter through the main entrance, turn left and you'll be at the entrance of the sanctuary. Please visit our Welcome Center directly in front of the sanctuary doors for general information as well as specific locations for our nursery and restrooms.

What is the congregation like?
We are a mix of young and old with people from a variety of nations and backgrounds. You’ll find families with young kids worshiping next to widowers, singles sitting next to retired couples. People at all different places in their relationship with and understanding of God are invited. We believe the church is called to offer the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ to all—all are welcome. We will do everything in our means to make the spiritually curious feel comfortable in our service, while still maintaining an atmosphere of worship.

What about communion?
We typically celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of the month. We believe that Jesus, the true bread from heaven, feeds us spiritually as we receive the elements in faith. Communion is open to all baptized believers of Jesus Christ and baptized children who have been approved by the church Session.

What are your beliefs?
We are a theologically conservative reformed, evangelical, and missional congregation belonging to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. 
Click here for more particulars.

What do I do with my kids?
You’re more than welcome to keep them in the service with you. However, if you prefer, we have a Nursery program for ages 1-4 during the entire service. Our Ushers or Welcome Center volunteers will be happy to help you get your kids to the professionally staffed Nursery.

At about the midpoint of the worship service (before the sermon), kids ages 5 through 5th grade are invited to leave the sanctuary with our staff to attend Children's Church. Parents are welcome to accompany their children.

What if my child gets fussy?
You are welcome to accompany your child to the nursery at any point during the service. A LiveStream of the service is available in the nursery.

What should I wear?
God does not look at the outward appearance as man does, but rather sees the condition of our hearts. You’re encouraged to examine the condition of your heart before you come; you’re also encouraged to come dressed however you feel comfortable. There is a wide variety of dress (everything from suits to blue jeans) among those who attend our services.

What is worship like?
We begin with a call to worship (often reading a psalm). Our Praise Team and Choir lead us in the singing of songs and hymns. You can expect a variety of musical styles. We place an emphasis on prayer, using a variety of forms of prayer to connect with God. Our preaching is Bible based expository preaching with practical application. Following the service we have elders and prayer team members available to pray for your personal needs.

Will I be asked to donate money?
Our ministry is supported by members’ giving. We offer a variety of ways to give, including a collection box at the entrance of the sanctuary. We invite guests to fill out visitor cards at the Welcome Center, but we do not expect visitors to give money. You are our guests.

What kind of music do you have?
Bethany Church recognizes the value in yesterday’s traditional music, as well as today’s contemporary music: so we sing both. All our music is projected on a screen and led by our Praise Team and/or Choir.

What happens after services?
Prayer is available for individual needs at the front of the sanctuary. Additionally, many of our members enjoy sticking around to talk and pray together. 

Will I be singled out as a guest?
You can expect to be greeted and welcomed, but no one will make you stand up and introduce yourself. We encourage you to come to our Welcome Center and receive information and a small gift.

A Recent Service

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