Bethany Church is an EPC congregation in Southeast Pennsylvania (Delaware County) located on Township Line Road at Concord Ave near to Eagle Road in Havertown.
We are a vibrant multi-generational church built on Jesus Christ as our Cornerstone, teaching the Good News. We offer Sunday School classes for all ages. Our corporate worship service enjoys a blend of traditional hymns with contemporary worship music.
Bethany Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) is an historic congregation founded in 1858 in Philadelphia that relocated as a church family to Havertown, Pennsylvania in 1949. Both dates (1858 and 1949) are inscribed on our building's cornerstone. Originally founded as Bethany Chapel, a mission church of the First Independent Presbyterian Church, Bethany established her corporate charter in 1865 organized by the Philadelphia Presbytery (PCUSA). In 2012, Bethany Church was led to unite with the EPC denomination and is part of the EPC's Presbytery of the East.
Our faith is set upon the foundation of the Word of God. We believe all Scripture is self-attesting and being Truth, requires our unreserved submission in all areas of life. The infallible Word of God, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, is a complete and unified witness to God’s redemptive acts culminating in the incarnation of the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ.
While these documents below are not Scripture, we believe they accurately articulate what the Bible says and teaches.
Essentials of our Faith
In essentials... Unity In non-essentials... Liberty In all things... Charity
We value God’s Word as the authority in our preaching, teaching, serving, and all of life. (Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:16)
We value a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. (John 15:15; Philippians 2:12-13)
We value worship as being vital to the life of the church, celebrating who God is and what God has done for us. (Psalms 66:5; 2 Kings 17:39; John 4:24; Luke 4:8)
We value discipleship, helping people in their pursuit of life-long spiritual growth. (Ephesians 4:13; Hebrews 6:1)
We value children and youth and support their growth in a life-long relationship with Jesus Christ. (Matthew 19:14; Mark 9:37)
We value prayer to shape our Christian lives and to conceive, plan and execute the ministries and activities of the church. (Matthew 7:7-11; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
We value service and cherish opportunities to meet the needs of others. (Luke 19:10; Matthew 25:31-46; Philippians 2:3-11)
We value Christ-centered fellowship and friendship and seek opportunities to join together as the family of God. (Acts 2:42; Ephesians 2:19-22)
We value the generous use of all that God has given us individually: time, talents, and treasure. (Romans 12:4-6a; 1 Peter 4:10)
We value God’s desire to reach all people in our neighborhoods and the world and to reconcile humanity to Himself through Jesus Christ. (Isaiah. 49:6; Matthew 28:16-18; Acts 1:8)
We are led, governed, disciplined, and prayed for by our elders, cared for by our deacons, and served by our staff.
1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4; Acts 20:28-31; James 5:14